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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Literary quiz prelims

Quiz pre (q with answer)
1)       Complete the statement   “ A tale told by  an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying ----” Nothing
2)      Name the work of Bacon that explains the new logic or inductive method of reasoning?  Novum Organum
3)      Who is the hero of Spenser’s ‘ The Faerie Queene’? Prince Arthur
4)      Who was known as  the Morning star of Reformation? John Wycliff
5)      Which is described as “The true prologue to the Renaissance” Utopia
6)      Who translated  the Bible from Latin  to English? John Wycliff
7)      Spenser wrote an elegy entitled “Astrophel”. Whom did he commemorate in this elegy? Sidney
8)      Who is known as the Morning star of Renaissance? Chaucer
9)      Name the other name of Thomas Nashe’s  The Unfortunate Traveller.          The Life of Jack Wilton
10)   Name the historical play of Christopher  Marlowe? Edward II
11)   Who is called the Dickens of the  Elizabethan age? Thomas Dekker
12)   How many sonnets did  Shakespeare write? 154
13)   Who is called the father of English classical comedy? Ben Jonson
14)   For which book of Chaucer, Dryden said, “Here indeed is God’s Plenty”?  Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
15)   Marlowe’s blank verse can be otherwise called as what?    Terza rima
16)   “If Music be the food of love, play on” In which play did  Shakespeare  state this ? Twelfth  Night
17)   In ‘Legend of Good Women’ the stories  are about how many women ?  9
18)   Who is the author of the poem ‘The vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman’? William Langland
19)   What is the name of the hill mentioned in the poem ‘pires the plowman’? Malvern Hills
20)    On the death of whom Chaucer’s ‘The Book of the Duchess’ was written? Blanche, John of Gaunt’s wife
21)    In which language Gower’s ‘Speculum Meditantis ‘ was  written ? French
22)   ‘Mother Hubberd’s Tale’ is the poem written by whom? Spencer
23)    According to Ben Jonson, what is the chief function of literature? To instruct
24)   Ben Jonson’s  ‘Epicaene ‘ is otherwise known as ? The Silent Woman
25)   Who  is the author of the tragedy ‘The White Devil’? John Webster
26)   In which Shakespearean comedy the  song “Sigh, no more ladies” occurs? Much Ado About Nothing
27)   Who is the author of these two plays ,’The Revenger’s Tragedy’ and ‘The Atheist’s Tragedy’?  Cyril  Tourneur
28)    In which year the Peasant’s revolt ,also known as Tyler’s Rebellion was began ?1381
29)    Who has written a clever satire on the popular drama, ‘The Old Wives Tale ‘? George Peele
30)    Name the book in which  Robert  Greene has mentioned Shakespeare as “an upstart his own conceit the only Shakescence in a country”?  A Groatsworth of Wit.
31)    Who is the author of ‘The Anatomy of Melancholy’?  Robert Burton
32)    Name the first play in English to employ allegory? Mary Magdalene
33)   During Elizabethan Age England emerged as “a noble and puissant nation, rousing herself, like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks.”    Name the author who expressed this statement.   Milton
34)   Name the poet who wrote the poem “Venus and Adonis”? Shakespeare
35)   “Renaissance was the manifestation of new life, an outburst of virtuous floridity after the cramping restraints and withering asceticism of   middle ages” Name the author who expressed this opinion.     Tillyard
36)   Who has called   Spenser as “the poet’s poet” ?  Charles Lamb
37)   “Mountains and hills, come,come, and fall on me,and hide me form the heavy wrath of God!” Name the play  and its author. Dr.Faustus by Marlowe
38)    Who wrote the famous line, “  Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part, Nay i have done, yet get no more of me, and i am glad, yea, glad with my all heart, that thus so cleanly i myself may free”    Drayton
39)   “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”  Name the Shakespeare’s play in which this statement occurs?  Julius Caesar
40)   Who coined the phrase “Marlowe’s Mighty Line”? Ben Jonson
41)   In 1609, a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets was printed by whom? Thomas Thorpe
42)    Name the  other name of the play ‘The Roaring Girle’, written by Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker ?Moll Cutpurse(1611)
43)   Who has written the play “A woman killed with kindness”? Thomas Heywood
44)   Which is the first play written by George Chapman?  The  Blind Beggar of Alexandria(1596)
45)   “Men fear death, as Children fear to go in the dark”who said this? Francis Bacon in Of Death
46)   “writing this English matter in the English speech for Englishmen.” is said by whom in ‘Toxophilus’?  Roger Ascham
47)   Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit (1579) is the first prose work written by whom? John Lyly
48)   Who is the author of “ The Parliament of Bees”(1641)? John Day
49)   Who is the author of the descriptive poetry “Poly-Olbion (1612)? Drayton

50)   Which work was left  unfinished at Bacon’s death, a philosophical romance modelled upon More’s  ‘Utopia’?  The New Atlantis

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